Saturday, June 5, 2010

Racist Assholes Resurgent

So what could be offensive about a mural depicting school children? Apparently if you are a racist Klanboy wannabe, plenty. In Arizona, where the governor wants to emulate the pass laws of Old South Africa, workers and elementary school kids painting a mural of their school had racial epithets spat at them by white suburban losers that had nothing better to do. The ringleader of this asinine spectacle is one Steve Blair, city councilman of Prescott, AZ. The flabby old hater is also a right- wing media whore and hosts a radio talk show.
On that show, Blair stirred up a controversy where none existed ( a standard tactic of reactionary propaganda). He objected that the mural depicted an African- American child larger than the other children. He also objected to the " diversity" of the painting. The principal of the school, in a spectacular display of chickenshit, ordered the faces of the Latino and black children depicted in the mural whitened.
Give that man the Neville Chamberlain Award.
Meanwhile, South Carolina, land of politicians who believe in family values- as long as it is someone else who has to keep their pants on- seems to be jealous of Arizona's new status of The Asshole State. To correct this, one of their dumber state senators described his fellow Republican Nikki Haley as a " raghead" ( Haley is of Indian descent) and then referred to the President using the same racial slur on a radio show. Of course this fat fuck immediately backpedaled, describing his remarks as appropriate to the free- for- all atmosphere of the show. He didn't intend the remarks to be racist, you know- wink, wink.
And even here, in Minnesota, the bluest of the Blue States, we have a racist demagogue running for Governor. Tom Emmer ( R) thinks SB 1070 is a " wonderful start". The start of what? Sounds like Emmer has visions of Manzanar dancing in his head.
The crazy talk coming out of right- wing media ( socialists, Muslims, and illegals want to take away your guns and date your daughter!), the teabagger movement, and the Minuteklan have all combined to embolden racist scumbags to crawl out from under the rocks they retreated under in the 1990s and start attacking people they see as The Other. Instead of caving in to their demands like the above mentioned school official, us Reds must vigorously oppose them and expose them for the assholes they truly are.
P.S. Boycott Baja Sol Restaurants... the franchise is owned by the head of the Minnesota GOP and another lover of SB1070, Tony Sutton.


Boyle said...

Boycott Baja Sol because it isn't good Mexican food. ;-)

comrade x said...
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comrade x said...
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comrade x said...

Seems like my lost comments decided to show up.

Boyle said...

I believe that Taco Bell should be regulated by as Haz-mat.